Friday, January 29, 2010


Wasn't able to get on here the past few days, been super busy with the kids and puppies and such BUT I am on DAY FIVE!!! WOW i've almost made it a week lol... I've hit a few bumps in the road I ate a piece of pizza had about 2 cokes this week and ate a Krystal burger, but all in all I still think I'm doing pretty well considering.... I've become quite a fan of the Weight Watchers frozen meals, they are really tasty the only thing I notice is I become hungry again quicker obviously I guess with them being lower calories they are not as filling, so I think when I go to the store I will buy some salad to go with it or make some extra veggies to go with it... I didn't walk on the treadmill last night, I had some friends come over and by the time they left it was about 9pm and too late to walk on it. SO tonight I will have to get on there gonna see if I can make it 22 minutes tonight, figure i could up it 2 minutes each time adn before you know it i'll be doing 45! Which is my goal!
God Bless!!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Day TWO and it hasn't been that bad! I don't know exactly how many calories I put in but I am 99% positive i kept it under my goal of 1200, I did break and have a coke though, I had a bad caffeine headache plan on getting to the store and getting some Diet Dr. Pepper as soon as I get a chance to curb that craving. I also (drum roll please) got on the treadmill tonight for 20minutes, I burned 144 calories WOO HOO! I promised my hubby ( a promise I may regret come Thursday) that I would walk atleast 20minutes every other day on it. And I plan on keeping that promise no matter how much I want to curse him later for it lol...
All in all a good day, just got done playing Jenga with my boys, took my shower, ready to relax and watch TV before bed...

Till tomorrow!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010


Okay day one of my new and improved ME :D
So far so good, I wish I could fast forward to day 53 or 54 when I was starting to see results and had something motivating me lol but we all have to start somewhere and today is my day 1. For breakfast I had a sweet tea from chickfila (figured it was better than a coke and I can't quit caffeine cold turkey) and a large fruit bowl... for a total of 320 calories so far for the day or 5 weight watchers points... Haven't decided yet if Im going low cal or counting points I will have to see which is a better fit for me. If I go low cal I am going to try to keep it to around 1200 daily, points I believe i am allowed for my height and weight 23 a day... SO we are OFF!!!!!!!!!!! I always start off strong Im hoping by blogging this experience I will keep myself accountable! Now i better get some work done will write more later!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Gonna miss it!

In honor of my last free to eat whatever I want night, we ordered pizza and boy was it YUMMY! Gonna miss my melted cheese, black olives, ham and green peppers over a nice warm crust! And my ice cold coca cola (the nectar of the gods) SO LONG PIZZA I WILL MISS YOU!

Where to start?

Let me introduce myself, My name is Nicole I am 33 years old, I have three children all boys age 15, 10 and 8 and two step children ages 13 and 10. I have a wonderful new husband Jason, we have been married for 5months, I have 3 dogs, 11 two week old puppies, 1 cat, 1 tattoo and about 30 extra pounds!! Im not sure where the weight came from, for the majority of my life i have always been a pretty thin, fit person. I am convinced little trolls broke into my bedroom at night injecting fat into me for the past year... seriously though, I wasn't really aware I was getting heavier, I sort of noticed my jeans were fitting a little tighter, and shirts were a bit snugger, I never weighed I didn't have a scale, but i really didnt see myself as HEAVY until after my wedding a few months ago. When I got the pictures back i was pretty shocked at how BIG i looked and then went out and bought a scale. I was in horror and shock when I stood on this scale and it weighed me at 160 pounds. Now for some folks that may not seem very heavy but for me, my normal weight always hovering in the 128-130 pound range this is alot of extra weight for me to be carrying around. The final straw has come today, I had to go out today and buy new BIGGER jeans because I was tired of only having one pair that fit me. I have to change things I can't keep sticking my head in the sand pretending that im not getting bigger it seems every month. When I met my husband a little over a year ago I weighed a little bit more than I did normally I was about 137-140 pounds, in the pasty 13mths I have proceeded to add 20pds to that. It just seems unreal to me. So I have made a command decision I want to lose 35pds in the amount of time it took me to gain it about 13months. Starting tomorrow January 25th, 2010. This should be interesting because I hate dieting, I love drinking cokes, eating bread, cheese, icecream and chocolate, I love laying in the bed watching TV and hanging clothes on the mechanical demon AKA treadmill in my bedroom... But I know things have to change, I'm not really sure how to go about this so I'm sure i am going to do some things right and some things not so much... But I am at the point that i have to try... please cross your fingers for me as i start this journey ... HERE WE GO.............